...one of the greatest privileges of a human life is to become midwife to the birth of the soul in another. When your soul awakens, you begin to truly inherit your life. You leave the Kingdom of fake surfaces, repetitive talk and weary roles and slip deeper into the true adventure of who you are and who you are called to become. The greatest friend of the soul is the unknown...
John O'Donohue

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Loving the Fiji rain!

Hi all! Sorry for the lack of updates lately - been short of decent internet time as of late. Had several inquiries about our safety due to the tsunami that was predicted for Fiji as a result of the Chile's earthquake, and wanted to let everyone know that we are doing just peachy - nothing more here than a few funny waves. The sea looked and sounded very strange for a while - not so much that we would have even noticed it if we were new to the island, but those of us that live here could tell the difference.

Jimmy is completely well now, and aside from a runny tummy bug that went through last week, we've all been doing just fine! The rains have finally come - hallelujah! I have to cut this short now, because I am huddled in my coconut leaf/corrugated iron computer shack typing this and a mist of rain is blowing in on the puter.

We have plans to be off the island later this week, and I will post a proper update then, with pictures. We are taking a short family holiday off the island later in the week, so hopefully I can get some quality internet time in then. Very excited about this! We haven't been off the island together as a family since we arrived in Nov., and we are feeling ready for a bit of a break. Loving our jobs here, but the downsize is that there is never truly any "off" time unless you leave the island. So Savusavu, here we come!

Much love to everyone back home! Keep checking the blogs on the Tribewanted website as well - we try to put up a blog or two each week!



Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feeling good again!

Hello Everyone!
Jimmy here, just writing with a quick update on the island life!
Jenny and I just returned from a short stay in Suva, Fiji. There is a private hospital there, which I needed to visit after visiting the doctor here in Labasa. I had tonsillitis, and that turned into an infection that made all my joints ache, and my legs swell when I was on my feet. A 30 minute flight and a taxi ride later, we were in Suva and visiting another doc who did some blood tests, gave me a prescription, and said…”I’ve seen this before, take this, and you’ll be fine in a week!”
So here I am, 5 days later, feeling good, and well on my way back to 100%!
Suva was like stepping into another world compared to our Fijian home. Fast cars, traffic lights, even a shopping mall and a movie theatre! It was a nice place to visit, and Jenny and I especially enjoyed the lodge where we stayed. It was situated at the edge of the rain forest, with small cottages all arranged around a freshwater lake. Beautiful place, and there was even a restaurant where you could look out over the lake and feed the fish. We are planning a return trip so the kids can see the place.
While I’ve been sick, I have had so many people here caring for me. The family here on Vorovoro, along with the extended family on the neighboring island, and I even spent a night at the Chiefs house having my legs massaged by one of the local men. Everyone was doing their part to help, and I am glad to be well again, so I can begin to repay all of the well wishes.
Happy sledding to everyone back home, and know that we all miss everyone!

Until next time……..