...one of the greatest privileges of a human life is to become midwife to the birth of the soul in another. When your soul awakens, you begin to truly inherit your life. You leave the Kingdom of fake surfaces, repetitive talk and weary roles and slip deeper into the true adventure of who you are and who you are called to become. The greatest friend of the soul is the unknown...
John O'Donohue

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Look

Wasn't thrilled with look of the last blog I threw together in a hurry before we left, so I decided to re-do it. I kinda like it - what do you think??

Also, gotta give some thanks where it is due - thank you, Anna NB, for leaving the quote above on my porch to be the first thing I read upon returning home. It articulates so much that is going on in our lives that I haven't been able to find words for. You are just so magosa (awesome!!!).

And the cool pic above is from my friends Jenny's camera - she always seemed to have hers out at the right time. There are definite advantages to having a smaller camera. Thanks, Jen!

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