...one of the greatest privileges of a human life is to become midwife to the birth of the soul in another. When your soul awakens, you begin to truly inherit your life. You leave the Kingdom of fake surfaces, repetitive talk and weary roles and slip deeper into the true adventure of who you are and who you are called to become. The greatest friend of the soul is the unknown...
John O'Donohue

Thursday, April 15, 2010

James Cahill Matanawa

A few weeks ago, Kini, one of our magic makers in the Vorovoro kitchen, gave birth to a son. She honored Jimmy by naming the baby after him. In Fiji, it is a great honor to have a namesake - it is considered one of the greatest compliments to the character of a person. The closest thing in our culture to compare it to is the relationship of godparent/godchild.

We visited baby James in his home when he was about 3 weeks old, presenting his family the traditional gifts of a tubua (whales tooth), a woven mat (made especially for him, with his name woven into it), kava, as well as other incidentals like clothing, cloth diapers, and some toys for his big brother Api.

Here's a video of James meeting James for the first time!

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